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Induls: 2007-10-13
What's up?
Photos, Videos
Raquel meghvst kapott egy ruhagyrba, s megosztott velnk 4 kpet :)
Az ESDM jra koncertezik :D Hoztam rla 2 videt.
Raquel was invited into a clothes factory, and she has uploaded 4 photos about it :)
The ESDM has concerts again :D I have found 2 new videos.
Raquel fue invitada a una fbrica de ropa, y se ha cargado 4 fotos sobre su da :)
ESDM tiene conciertos de nuevo :D He encontrado 2 videos.
"color: rgb(255, 51, 255);">2011.08.14. by Kata
Sziasztok :) Hoztam 2 j kpet
2011.08.12. by Kata
Raquel feltlttte facebookra azt a modell kpet, nagyobb mretben :D Megnznm a ruhjt.... :D gy nem sok ltszik belle. A blogba pedig rakott fel kpeket arrl a felsrl, amit magyar rajongk adtak neki :D s rt magyarul :D (L) ITT elolvashatjtok amit rt.
Raquel has uploaded her 'model photo' in bigger size. i'd love to watch her full dress. In her blog, she has uploaded pictures about a t-shirt, that she got from Hungarian fans. You can read it HERE.
Raquel ha cargado su 'model foto' en tamaño ms grande. Me gustara ver su vestido en total. Ha cargado fotos en su blog, sobre una camiseta, que ha recibido de fans Hungaras :D Podis leerlo AQU:
2011.08.07. by Kata
Photos, Timetables
Hola! Feltltttem a Magyar Nagydjon kszlt kpeket :) Raquel nagyon csini volt. Nekem nem tetszenek a maxi ruhk.... de neki mg az is jl ll :DMa Raquel lecserlte a twitter kpt. Nagyon gynyr az a kp!!! Csinltam 3 rarendet :D Remlem tetszenek :D Hinyzott mr a photoshop :D :D
I've uploaded the photos that were taken on the Hungarian GP :) Raquel was really pretty. Personally, I don't like the maxi dresses.... but she looks great in them :DToday Raquel has changed her twitter photo. She is really gorgeous!!! I have made 3 timetables :D I hope you like them :D I already missed using the photoshop :D :D
He cargado las photos que fueron tomadas en el GP de Hungra :) Raquel fue muy mola. .Personalmente,no me gustanlos vestidosmaxi.... pero se queda bien :DHoy Raquel se ha cambiado su foto de twitter. Ella es muy hermosa!!!! He hecho 3 horarios :D Espero que os gusten :D Ya he extrañado usar el photoshop :D :D
2011.08.07. by Kata
Mostanban nem igazn frisstettem. Bocsiii! De most visszatrtem :D Lecserltem a dizit, nem lett valami j, tudom.... A css-t Laci csinlta, az legalbb normlis lett :D Kszii <3 Megprblom hamar behozni a lemaradsomat, feltltm majd a kpeket. Ksznm, hogy eddig is ltogatttok a lapot (L)
I haven't really upload news recently. Sorry! However, now i'm back :D I've changed the design, it's not really good, I know..... The css code is made by Laci, at least this part of the site looks good :D Thanks honey <3 I try to upload the pictures as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting the page (L)
No he subido noticias recientemente. Lo siento! Pero ahora estoy de vuelta :D Mi español es todava muy mal.... He cambiadoel diseño, no es bueno, lo s.... El cdigocsses hecha porLaci, al menosesta parte delsitiose ve bien :D Gracias <3 Trato desubir las fotostan prontocomo puedo.Gracias por visitarla pgina (L)